Over the weekend we rolled out a new logo. We changed our logo for a few reasons. First, Markerly is not the sharing widget that we once were. When our focus was being a blogger tool, the logo with a highlighted M made sense. Our business has changed from sharing tool to a platform that connects brands to bloggers for sponsored content. We have not deprecated the sharing tool – a good percentage of bloggers that sign on for our sharing tool opt-in to our ever-growing blogging network (that anybody is free to join). Within the Markerly blogging network, bloggers can opt-in to receive alerts to get paid to write sponsored content for brands that aligns with their readers interests.
Secondly, the logo change felt natural and has added a fresh start to the company that we have grown to become. Markerly is a platform that is centered around all things content…content pairing, content creation, content distribution, content amplification, content analysis, and content retargeting.
Being that we are obsessed with all things content, we are proud to move forward with our new logo and hope that you like it too!